Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Simulation and Modelling

Simulation is the exploration of existing models. ICT can uniquely illustrate scientific concepts with the use of high quality multi-media simulation enabling students to interact, reflect and develop their knowledge and understanding. The benefits of simulation are providing a concrete experience of the abstract, investigate life processes which are far too lightly, study complex interactions, simulate manufacturing processes, and difficult, dangerous or costly experiments. The key to a successful simulation learning experience is through appropriate intervention, through questioning, the emphasis of key observable points and constant evaluation of the development of understanding by the students.

Modeling is the expression of one’s ideas by constructing one’s own models. Modeling conjures up many different pictures in science teaching and learning. For example, a 3-D diagram of a water molecule, atomic models made from coloured spheres or plastic ‘pull-apart’ models of the human eye, ear, and torso. Modeling using ICT enables students to explore the effects of changing data and relationships of physical systems, thus helping students to understand the phenomena involved. The key to a successful ICT modeling learning experience is through interaction, manipulation, immediate graphic presentation of data, appropriate intervention, through questioning and constant evaluation of the development of understanding by the students.

There are some contributions of simulations and modeling such as develop higher thinking skills, and approach system thinking in a way that is manageable even from a fairly young age.

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